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#1 / 2020
General Problems of Pedagogy
Bessarabova Yu.V., Petkov V.A., Doroshenko V.V., Krutko G.A., Doroshenko V.V.
The pedagogical potential of the interdisciplinary approach in pedagogical science is used to reflect the development trends and general integrative processes indicative of the modern system of Russian higher education. The article provides the content of recreational activity of the university, which consists in the development and implementation of measures for active recreation and restoration of physical, moral and psychological forces among students, formation of motivation and value attitude at them and stable need for active leisure, health and sports activities. The performed analysis of communication interaction features in the recreational environment of the university makes it possible to determine its multilevel structure, which is formed in the process of functioning in this environment, and to determine effective methods of simulating communication interaction. From the point of view of interdisciplinary approach, we consider the possibility of modeling productive communicative interaction of subjects of recreational environment of the university. The implementation of an interdisciplinary approach to the organization of productive pedagogical interaction implies the use of complexity in the teacher's choice of appropriate forms and methods of educational activities. In this regard, the readiness of the university teacher to organize productive pedagogical interaction in the recreational environment of the university is one of the important factors ensuring the quality of students professional training in the university.
Study of theory and practice of organization of recreational activity in universities allowed us to highlight and test pedagogical conditions ensuring productivity of communicative interaction of recreational activity subjects. Analysis of materials of experimental work on model testing makes it possible to conclude that during its implementation significant improvement of communication interaction efficiency, as well as quality of health-improving activity of the university, organization of full restoration of spent physical and mental forces of the student was noted. Thus, the implementation of the pedagogical potential of the interdisciplinary approach in the study of the peculiarities of communicative interaction of recreational actors allows us to highlight trends and promising directions of development of recreational and health-improving activities of the university in conditions of standardization of education.
Vikhor D.A., Begidova S.N., Mednikov A.B.
The paper discloses how communication competence is formed at future bachelors of tourism. Its importance for professional formation and effective performance of labor functions is justified, namely: promotion of tourist product, formation of loyalty of clients, attraction of new clients, partners, etc. Communicative competence ensures the efficiency of professional activity of the tourist industry specialist, as it contributes to the construction of correct business relations with colleagues, business partners, competitors and other consumers of the tourist product. Productive communication with clients and business partners increases the image of both the tourist company and the specialist himself, providing him with competitive advantages and demand in the labor market. Requirements to the formation of communicative competence are reflected in Federal State Standards of Higher Education, as well as demanded by modern practice.
In order to increase the efficiency of communication competence at future bachelors in the direction of training "Tourism" the following technology is offered. The technology is represented by substantive and procedural components and involves step-by-step formation of ability to professional communication. Five stages have been allocated. For each stage, we determined the tasks, content, methods, etc., including theoretical study of peculiarities of communication with different categories of citizens, practical application of acquired knowledge and skills in the process of passing industrial practice in conditions of real interaction with subjects of tourist industry.
Solving the tasks of the previous stage creates conditions for possible transition of students to the new stage and solving the tasks of the new stage. The proposed technology allows us to increase efficiency of communication competence in students, future bachelors of tourism.
Dmitriev S.V., Neverkovich S.D., Bystritskaya E.V.
Based on the analysis of modern studies of the process of training in motor actions, we identified the problem of systemic, holistic improvement of the sphere of self-awareness of the athlete in the structure of the educational space. This problem is expressed in the form of a contradiction between the unitary requirements to the structure of training and the system of professional requirements of coachers, on the one hand, and the sociocultural task of a unique personalized system of competences of the sports coacher, aimed at solving problems of formation of competitiveness of the athlete, on the other. The solution of this problem is hampered by rigid substantive differentiation of the process of sports education. Thus, the purpose of the article is to define structural components of the system of activity on training of motor actions and their functions in relation to the image "I" of the athlete, his activity consciousness, and development of technologies of professional activity of the coacher. The result of the study is the structure of the ontodidactic process of the athlete training, which includes: reproductive performing, adaptation, design performing, criterion assessment levels and level of self-construction of the individual. A number of steps are presented, which allow us to introduce it into the system of university practice. Among them are ensuring integrativeness of spheres of science on the core of research training, joint immersion in educational research, identification of object and anthropic meaning of activity and creation of conditions for bisubject and multisubject interaction. Universal regulators are established, which are at the basis of activity-organized thinking and self-awareness of the athlete. Educational frames are presented, including schemes, perceptions, thinking and activities, which allow us to solve motor problems.
Lobanov I.A.
The article is devoted to the topical problem of self-development of personal and professional qualities of an officer of the Russian army. The characteristic features and different interpretations of this concept are revealed. There are three stages of self-development: self-affirmation, self-improvement and self-actualization. It is necessary to search for methods of pedagogical stimulation, ways of self-knowledge, and forecasting results. The article analyzes the views of modern researchers on personal internal development as the next stage after the completion of the training process and the most convenient way for a person to improve the personal and professional level. This direction is also supplemented by such activities as self-education, self-knowledge, self-education, and self-government. The author substantiates the idea that each of these activities performs a certain function in the development of personal and professional qualities of an officer. The author defines self-development of personal and professional qualities of an officer as an integral component of his professional activity, including as a mandatory component of modern military education basing on a rational combination of training and self-training in the educational process. Considerable attention is paid to the description of reflexive and normative functions, the functions of goal formation and active interaction, as creating conditions for self-development of personal and professional qualities of an officer. The main types of activities that perform a certain function in the development of personal and professional qualities of an individual are summarized. In conclusion, the author draws attention to the importance and urgency of the issue of introduction of system of self-development of soldiers in the army, changes to existing programs of combat training of arms and services with the goal of creating deeper individual approach to self-development of each serviceman and the disclosure of its internal capacity in military collective.
Ozheva S.B., Shebanets E.Yu., Demkina E.V., Paatova M.E.
The article explores the problems of an inclusive approach to the organization of tourism and local history activities for children with autism spectrum disorder as one of the methods of including children with disabilities in the social environment in order to create optimal conditions for rest, development, and interaction with peers.
Children 's inclusive tourism as a new developing area in tourism, which is currently being conceived in the Russian Federation, makes it possible to create a universal barrier-free environment for children with special features of development, including children with developmental disabilities, in particular children with autism spectrum disorder, It provides opportunities for social adaptation and full inclusion of children with disabilities in society, thus realizing the equal rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation for all citizens, regardless of their state of health. An inclusive approach to the organization of tourism and local history activities for children with autism spectrum disorder contributes not only to recreation and health improvement, but also to the fulfilment of the key tasks of education and upbringing of children with autism spectrum disorder - the development of cognitive activities, training and inclusion in the social environment as a freeman of society.
The article addresses the problems of development of children's inclusive recreation in the territory of Russia and the Republic of Adyghea. The experience is presented of designing the model of inclusive tourist and local history route for children with autism spectrum disorder, developed on the basis of the assessment of tourist and recreational potential of the Republic of Adyghea and taking into account individual psycho-pedagogical, medical and social maps of children participating in the project.
Plaxin V.A.
Full-fledged economic (as well as any other) education in the modern world cannot be completely universal without a sufficient level of foreign language proficiency (primarily English). This task makes it necessary to develop and implement new types of educational programs in the pedagogical system, which are aimed at training professionals capable of effective communication in the conditions of modern cultural and professional interaction. The most important direction of the process of reforming the education sector in recent years has been the intensive introduction of the system of additional professional education. However, in the process of preparing translators in professional communications Program, its organization and methods there are a number of obvious problems and issues: the lack of a unified science-based approach to program implementation, lack of scientific and methodological support of teaching process, unification of requirements to the contents and objectives of training, the forms of final control, training time and many others. Teaching experience of students of economic specialties for a number of years in the course of additional professional educational program "Translator in professional communications" in the Krasnodar branch of the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation allows us to consider some features of the organizational system of this training course, to analyze its content, to propose a number of steps in improving teaching methods, promoting formation of professional foreign language communicative competences, as well as to see the dynamics of increase of level of knowledge of the studied foreign language, its competent use in the respective professional field, and therefore to confirm the effectiveness of the developed Program.
Romanyuk S.N., Demkina E.V.
The problem of study and creation of conditions for correction of infantile personality qualities and development of mature personality qualities is analyzed, and a comprehensive philosophical, social, psychological and pedagogical understanding of these phenomena and their factors is carried out. In recent decades, research has been updated to find ways and means to overcome the social infantilism of the younger generation of Russians. In this connection, the article justifies the special importance of studying and solving problems of prevention and overcoming social infantilism of certain, special categories of population to which cadets belong. Theoretical analysis of philosophical, psychological, sociological, and pedagogical literature is presented, showing that, for now, a general idea has been formed about the structural components of social infantilism, about its essence as a subtype of personal (psychological, personal-psychological, etc.) infantilism, about external (social) and internal (psychological) reasons for its occurrence, about the most general or, on the contrary, private conditions of overcoming, as well as about the trend to change the current situation. The authors define the procedural and methodological characteristics of pedagogical prevention of social infantilism of cadets, presented in the form of technological stages of activity, at each of which practical tasks are set and methods and means of their solution are proposed.
Savin P.P.
In accordance with the general patterns of development of sports, and strengthening of its social and economic importance in the world and in Russia, the appearance of the industry, the appearance of sports and the system of relations of people in sports have changed significantly. This circumstance, as well as the Law on Physical Culture and Sports of December 4, 2007, No. 329-FZ [1], which allows financial remuneration for participation in sports competitions, change of the labor code and inclusion of athletes in professions led to sharp updating of the problem of formation of economic culture components in athletes. However, the degree of study of the components of this pedagogical process is not sufficient. The article presents the opinion of athletes on the expediency of including economic education in the system of their training, on possibilities of interaction of school and the system of sports training in this direction, on the stage of a multi-year cycle of sports training at which the problem of economic training of athletes and justification of content of the process of formation of the basic economic culture of athletes, on the basis of results of a questionnaire survey of 460 respondents of different level of preparation, is updated. Fundamental, in the opinion of athletes, components of organization of the system of economic preparation at stages of sports training are revealed.
Sizhazheva Î.À.
The aim of this research is to study the problems of the formation of a musical education system in Kabardino-Balkaria (KBR), which has raised prominent figures in culture and art, some of which have received worldwide recognition. The relevance of the stated theme is that the musical education of the KBR has reached a high level of evolution and continues its rapid development as part of the musical culture of the republic and the country as a whole. However, to date, its origins and the main trends of its formation and development have not been investigated. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that the role of preprofessional musical educational institutions (music schools and art schools) in the formation of the musical education of the region under consideration is studied here for the first time. The study was made by using the historical, comparative and cultural methods that allowed us to consider music education, on the one hand, as an integrated system, reflecting the successive historical stages of its development, and on the other hand, as a system formed by musicians-educators, musicologists, and music teachers whose coordinated educational, research and pedagogical activity contributed not only to the formation, but also to the rapid evolution of the studied field of education - music education. The results of the study can be used in compiling special courses on the history of music (musical culture, musical art, musical education) or on the history of culture of Kabardino-Balkaria. Conclusions of the work can serve as the basic theses of special seminars on the history of the region as a whole, the life and traditions of the peoples living in it.
Yatskovskaya I.F., Begidova S.N.
The article presents the author's position on solving the problem of prevention of emotional burnout at students of technical university - future engineers. Emotional burnout is a consequence of high intellectual, physical, and mental loads that have a cumulative effect at students of technical universities. The formed ability to manage their emotional state, control and regulate mental and physical activity, to be able to switch over to new recreational activities at the appropriate times contributes to the preservation of physical and mental health. In this regard, it is necessary to carry out work on prevention of emotional burnout among students of technical universities. One of the effective directions of prevention of emotional burnout is art, in our case choreographic, namely: modern dance. Modern dance is a new direction in contemporary choreography. Modern dance classes do not require special choreographic training and are therefore available to students. A characteristic feature of this type of choreographic art is its focus on the inner world of man, high emotional intensity, the possibility to convey feelings, experiences, and emotions by movements, which contributes to the reduction of emotional tension and is an effective means of prevention of emotional burnout.
The effectiveness of prevention of emotional burnout at students of technical university at classes of modern dance is provided by creation of special psycho-pedagogical conditions. The following psychological and pedagogical conditions are identified and justified: reliance on an individual-personal approach taking into account the abilities and potentials of the student; gender approach; emotional state of charge; creative atmosphere in the collective; improvisation; consideration of individual-psychological personality types (extroversion/introversion); emotional preferences of engaged; and the teacher's willingness to work with different personality psychotypes.