E.G. MalinochkaA situational - functional nature of educational mutual activity T.N. PoddubnayaComponents of social protection of the childhood in a region: the conceptual approach (using an example of the Adygheya Republic) E.A. Buzarova and T.N. ChetyzPsychological and pedagogical characteristics of children of the senior preschool and younger school age N.V. Kabayan and N.N ValuevaThe modern state of a system of additional education in the Adygheya Republic T.N. PoddubnayaTraining of experts in social protection of the childhood in conditions of higher school: experience and results
Psychological Sciences
S.V. BedenkoThe analysis of a phenomenon of manipulation from a position of the valuable – semantic approach
Z.K. MeretukovaProblem education as means of realization of the unity of didactics and dialectics A.M. Doronin and D.A. RomanovClassification of didactic processes Z.K. Meretukova and A.R. ChinazirovaOn a didactic principle of scientific character and scientific outlook in a context of a post-nonclassical scientific picture of the world A.M. Doronin and D.A. RomanovComplex pedagogical systems Z.K. MeretukovaThe scientific-methodological device of pedagogical researches M.E. PaatovaPedagogical rehabilitation of minor offenders in conditions of close institutions À.Ð. ChinazirovaOn innovational ideas in I.Y. Lerner's didactic heritage (Dedicated to the 90th anniversary and to memory of the scientist). N.A. OrlovaIntegration of theory and practice in the field of physical training Z.K. FerkhatovaChishmay Pshunelov – the high-school student, the teacher, the educator and the publicist (the pre-revolutionary period of life and activity) G.N. DubogryzovaProblems of musical education in pedagogical works of the 1920s V.P. ShramRealization of students’ academic freedoms in a system of education E.B. PtushchenkoAn adaptive system of formation of professional information-technological competence in a specialist for improvement of the quality of education R.A. MagomadovaFormation of social orientation of the future teacher in the educational environment of higher school Z.R. AnchokovaFormation of aesthetic culture of the future teacher in educational system of the State University (using the Faculty of National Philology and Culture of the Adyghe State University as an example) F.I. BlievaStructure of professional subjective position of the future expert N.O. BaranukovaTheoretical aspects of creative self-development of the person Z.T. PshikanokovaSocial – legal protection of the childhood O.D. LukyanenkoProviding an effective feedback in didactic information interaction between the teacher and the child aged 6-7 years A.P. ZaitsevaContinuous vocational training of teachers for institutions of additional education S.M. KhachetlovControl for quality of education of pupils in conditions of rural social-cultural complex Z.G. AbubakarovOptimization of civil socialization of students in educational system of higher school O.I. UzdinovaConception of school risk factors as a theoretical-methodological basis of innovational transformations in modern system of school education (valeological and pedagogical aspects) A.F. PennoFormation of extreme abilities of cadets – pilots during parachute-saving training L.N. KotrutsaFormation of patriotic consciousness of pupils in conditions of modern school
Technique and Technologies of Teaching
M.H. ShkhapatsevaIntersubject and interlevel relations in linguistic-methodical training of the teacher of primary classes B.M. DzhandarSpecific features of teaching the grammar of the English oral speech of pupils at national (Adyghe) school I.M. Kozlov, M.H. KodzheshauEstimation of specific features of biomechanical structure of football player movements R.R. MagomedovThe elementary biomechanical analysis of professionally-guided movement plastics of students – choreographers G.B. Luganskaya and A.V. LysenkoEstimation of the student concert performance in an instrumental class as a means of optimization of educational process in higher school L.S. TlyustenPhonetic-graphic foundations of teaching Russian spelling to pupils in Adyghe primary schools L.M. PazovaConcept of various language levels as a condition of studying polysemy by younger pupils F.K. UrakovaTrough and basic concepts promoting teaching construction of the text D.D. ZhazhevaSpecific difficulties in mastering the Russian phraseology caused by a correlation of phraseological system of Russian and native languages I.V. MakrushinaPedagogical conditions of formation of ecological consciousness at the future teachers of safety of life and activity S.A. KhazovaFormation of bases of professional experience at the future specialists in physical training and sports by means of application of game methods of training Y.A. IoakimidiComponents of a professional orientation of the future specialist in physical training and sports and their development A.R. MamiyInfluence on the movement program at performance of a standing jump Z.Z. MamyshevaOn cognitive and pedagogical functions of proverbs and sayings in the process of formation of the younger pupil’s person A.A. DaurovApplication of new information technologies to teaching and educational process at secondary school providing general education S.B. ElipkhanovTraining of young men at judo lessons for service at the call of the Armed Forces A.A. OvsovaFormation of pedagogical skill at specialists in physical training and sports at gymnastics lessons G.I. PolshinaChildren motivation to engage in sports at a stage of initial sports training G.V. BerezhnoyDevelopment of physical qualities in 14-16 years-old pupils, with the use of means and methods of training according to A.A. Kadochnikov’s system (“Russian style” of hand-to-hand fight) A.G. MoiseevaFrom professional-applied physical training to formation of professional-applied physical culture H.S. UzhbanokovUse of conditions of middle mountain topography in training sportsmen – orientators
A.A. YurinaMethodological and theoretical aspects of investigating a scientist’s professional mentality N.V. PetrovaPsychological and pedagogical essence of research culture of the person I.V. DetkovaThe attitude of accentuated teenagers to educational activity S.K. BagadirovaSpecific features of studying steadiness to stresses in sportsmen-judoists E.Y. ShchebanetsCorrelation of psychological support and psychological escort during the psychological help rendered to parents and to children with deviations in development A.A. FedoseevaSocial-pedagogical correction of criminal subculture