The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University.<br />
Series «Pedagogy and Psychology» The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University.
Series «Pedagogy and Psychology»
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#3 / 2009

General Problems of Pedagogy

M.I. Aldoshina Ñlearing the theoretical bases of formation of ethnic-aesthetic culture in students
A.N. Autleva Paradigmal bases of ecological socialization of the person in multi-cultural educational space
S.A. Bashaeva Education-developing significance of national children’s games of the Chechen people
Yu.V. Bessarabova, E.A. Degterev Formation of motivation of health preservation in students with special educational potentialities and requirements
N.Sh. Blyagoz Integration of ecological potential of the discipline contents of the state educational standard as the basic condition and means of ecologization of the pupil’s person consciousness
N.I. Vasiliadi Development of college in system of continuous professional training
N.A. Volobueva Patronage as a form of life arrangement of children - orphans in 1920-1930s in the Kuban region
V.P. Voloshina On opportunities of synthesis of arts in literary education and socio-cultural development of senior pupils
S.Yu. Goncharenko Pedagogical conditions setting up self-respect in the future experts during learning the foreign language
V.M. Grebennikova Continuity as the principle of public examination of quality of the higher professional education
E.V. Demkina Psychological and pedagogical conditions of gender-role socialization of the person of the higher school student
R.N. Idrisova Features of development of gifted children of the senior preschool and younger school age in conditions of needy family
L.Z. Zhemukhova Self-attitude as the factor of the modern teacher’s success
A.V. Kamyzina The intercultural communications in the historical-pedagogical science
Yu.S. Kuznetsova Computer support as means of formation of communicative culture of the navy fleet officer
R.I. Lozovskaya Contents of spiritual education of the teacher - musician during professional training
S.P. Magomaeva Rating system of quality estimation for the educational process as the means of diagnostics of student achievements
G.S. Sadovskaya Psychological and pedagogical conditions of formation of the teacher’s readiness for development of emotional sphere in preschool children
T.A. Serebryakova Experimental approach to educationhe axiological attitude to the nature in children of preschool age
S.M. Tokova Pedagogical interaction of school and family in legal education of senior pupils
S.B. Tuguz Concept of legal culture and its intrinsic characteristics
F.K. Tuguz, E.M. Shurdumova Theoretical-methodological aspects of studying mental bases of formation of youth’s moral values
M.F. Fomina Formation of tolerance in cadets of military higher school as the factor of their professional socialization

Special Methods and Teaching Technologies

A.N.Sergeev Educational network communities in the context of new approaches to realization of pedagogical technologies
L.S.Tlyusten Elements of the etymological analysis in spelling work with pupils of Adyghe initial school
L.V.Shelehova Features of the person-focused teaching the solutions to the subject problems
S.S. Muchkaeva Development in pupils of interest to mathematics through aesthetic potential of historical problems and theorems with the drawing
A.R. Chinazirova Didactic principle of problematical character in pupils’ musical education
E.B. Chuyako Professionally focused mathematical preparation of students of economic specialities at the higher school
M.H. Shkhapatseva Linguomethodical training of the teacher of initial forms

Problems of General Psychology

I.A. Rudakova, O.A. Grigorieva-Rudakova Motivational-axiological components of professional self-consciousness in technical higher school students
M.S. Dushko Interrelation of global, contextual and situational motives of learning foreign language in students of various specialities
N.V. Zakharyuta On development of the person creative potential in early ontogenesis
A.M. Kondratieva Theoretical foundations of research of the personal professional self-realization in conditions of the dynamical labour market
I.A. Kurapova Spiritual - moral determinants of emotional burning out at teachers
I.A. Petrova, A.N. Dyomin Influence of organizational changes on psychological well-being and controlling behaviour of the person
O.A. Stupina Setting up cognitive-personal competence of the future lawyer - professional in system “college - higher school”
N.I. Chernetskaya Creative thinking as the supreme form of thinking
B.A.Yas`ko, T.A.Shalyugina The educational environment of modern higher school: an organizational - psychological view
N.A. Shilo Mastering family and professional patterns of women relations at the early adult stage in the context of personal development
N.E. Yablonski Structure of the emotional orientation as a personal predictor of positive emotional symptom complex