Problems of the Quality of Training Process at Higher School
U.M. PaneshTraining and methodology maintenance of professional and educational programs – a way to high quality of training at Universities
Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences and Problems of Training the Pedagogical Staff
L.N. Kubashicheva«Ideal» as a philosophical, psychological and pedagogical problem L.V. Krasnova, L.A. TorokhinaA psychological analysis of a phenomenon of shyness Z.K. MeretukovaTraining of the future teacher for overcoming professional – pedagogical difficulties as a problem of pedagogical education M.H. ShkhapatsevaLinguistic and methodology preparation of the teacher of primary school E.A. BuzarovaEssence and the contents of the concept “theoretical thinking” M.M. TeshevaRole of stimulation and motivation of training M.M. TeshevaApplication of active methods in teaching English E.A. Buzarova, T.N. ChetyzElaboration of the content of training as a system of category knowledge
Problems of the Quality of Training Process at Higher School
N.V. KabayanGeneralization of experience in realization of a system of the methodical training of students - the future biology teachers in conditions of the modernization of education N.M. TemzokovaGeneral microbiology: a technique and experience
Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences and Problems of Training the Pedagogical Staff
A.V. PolienkoPsychological aspects of the activity of public prosecutors L.M. DolgopolovaIntegration of teaching and educational direction in the training of students for work with part-time groups of children Yu.Yu. Udichak, G.T. ShparyovaThe education of gifted children in national school
Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences and Problems of Training the Pedagogical Staff
L.N. KubashichevaScientific bases of the development of a problem of unconscious E.A. BuzarovaPsychology of personal and professional development, self-breeding and self-education Z.K. MeretukovaOn the scientific – methodological device of pedagogical researches A.M. ShekhmirzovaIndependent work of students in conditions of multilevel preparation of experts L.V. ShelekhovaOn a methodological system of training A.P. MikhailovSome features of social adaptation of convicts under age in educational colonies T.N. ChetyzRealization of a principle of continuity between preschool education and an elementary school
Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences and Problems of Training the Pedagogical Staff
F.A. ApishCorrelation of motives and needs: the theoretical analysis of scientific approaches F.A. ApishPlanning of the contents of a teaching material and the formation of motivation of educational activity of students A.M. BedanokovaEducational potential of the Adyghe folklore S.V. BedenkoResearches of influence of manipulation orientations of the person during a dialogue on his sociometrical status in a group I.N. MarkowaSpecificity of artistic speech as a psychological factor of intensification of teaching Russian I.N. MarkowaRussian culture in the adaptation process of foreign students N.O. MitrovaSocial project as way of forming communicative competence of university students L.S. AseikinaFrustrational tolerance as a competence of the teacher and the student in teaching russian as a foreign language L.S. AseikinaCreation of frustrational tolerance of foreign students at the elentary level education from the competent approach position T.N. ChetyzProblem of continuity of training of children of preschool and younger school age: working aspect