The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University.<br />
Series «Pedagogy and Psychology» The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University.
Series «Pedagogy and Psychology»
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Address: 385000, Maikop, Adyghea Republic, Pervomayskaya Street, House 208. Ph.: 8(8772) 52 48 55

Key words:

Publishing House of

1. General provisions

1.1. Publishing House of the Adyghe State University (farther Publishing House) is one of structural divisions of the Adyghe State University aimed at implementation at the professional level of publishing functions of higher education institution.

1.2. In its activity Publishing House is guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the Adyghe State University.

1.3. The Publishing House is administratively subordinated to the Rector.

2. Objectives and functions of Publishing House

2.1. The main objective of Publishing House is the organization and implementation of publishing activity of the University, the edition of the educational and methodical literature meeting the requirements of the State Educational Standard, as well as release of scientific, reference and other types of literature in interests of ensuring educational process and research works.

2.2. According to objectives the Publishing House carries out the following functions:

–accepts manuscripts with the expert opinion of publishing council on inclusion of work in the plan of the annual edition;

–carries out separate elements of a publishing cycle:

editing manuscripts;

imposition and production of models;

design of a cover;

replication and post-printing processing of blocks;

binding works.

– the organization together with Publishing Council of ASU of control of quality of the contents of the published literature, its printing execution, compliance to publishing and printing State Standard Specifications;

– methodical and advisory work with faculties, departments, library and other divisions of ASU concerning release of literature, the organization together with them of control of effective use of editions and realization of ready circulations;

– definition of technology of publishing process;

– participation in the organization of professional development of the personnel;

– control of mailing of an obligatory copy;

– preparation in accordance with the established procedure of operational and statistical reports on publishing.

3. Status and right of Publishing House

3.1. The publishing House is a division of higher education institution.

3.2. The publishing house has the right:

– to develop standard and information materials on publishing for intra higher school use;

– to prepare contracts with authors for the edition of manuscripts;

– to reject the manuscripts presented to the edition in case of their discrepancy to requirements of the existing normative documents;

– to prepare contracts with internal and external structures for performance of work according to functions of Publishing House;

– to carry out additional services according to the estimate and the act of the performed works after preliminary coordination with the Rector.

4. Planning of activity of Publishing House

4.1. Planning of the edition of educational and scientific literature is carried out according to the order of passing of the manuscript to Publishing House established in higher education institution.

4.2. On the basis of the approved plan of release:

– the schedule of passing of manuscripts is formed;

– work of employees taking into account the approved performance standards is planned;

– the need for expendables is planned;

– the preliminary estimate of expenses, accounting, calculation of expenses for collaborations is formed.

4.3. Work of Publishing house is planned by the Chief. The plan of work on primary activities is approved by the Rector.

4.5. The Publishing House renders an account on the activity to the Rector, and on the expenditure of means and materials – to Accounts Department.

5. Additional services

The Publishing House has the right to carry out the following services:

– publishing (a full publishing cycle and its separate elements – editing, typing, production of models, updates, etc.);

– printing (copying, replication, scanning, cover, etc.);

– advertising (advertising in editions of higher education institution, advertising actions at exhibitions, fairs, etc.).

6. Financial security of activity of Publishing House

6.1. Work of Publishing House within primary activities is financed by higher education institution.

6.2. Financing of Publishing House within primary activities is carried out by higher education institution from the budgetary and extra-budgetary funds, and also from means of customers of certain types of the works entering competence of Publishing House.

6.3. The income from results of additional services of Publishing House goes for improvement of material base of department.

7. Legal support of activity of Publishing House

7.1. The publishing house carries out the activity on the basis of annual and long-term thematic plans, contracts with other divisions of ASU, contracts with authors, labor agreements.

7.2. Annual and long-term plans are approved by the Rector.

8. Structure and management

8.1. Work of Publishing House is organized by his Chief. The Chief of Publishing House is appointed and relieved of the post by the Rector of higher education institution in accordance with the established procedure.

8.2. Chief of Publishing House:

– plans work of Publishing House, provides performance of the main objectives and functions of Publishing House;

– makes offers to the administration of higher education institution about structure of Publishing House, the staff list of Publishing House, according to the real volume and nature of the performed works, employment, transfer and dismissal, encouragement of employees, imposing penalties, placement of department, working conditions and an operating mode;

– approves duty regulations of staff of Publishing House.

8.4. The structure of Publishing House consists of experts of prepress preparation and a site of operational polygraphy and multiplying works.

8.5. The publishing house interacts with faculties, departments, library, educational administration, accounts department and other divisions of higher education institution, the third-party organizations and establishments.


Address: 385000, Maikop, Adyghea Republic, Pervomayskaya Street, House 208. Ph.: 8(8772) 52 48 55.