The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University.<br />
Series «Pedagogy and Psychology» The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University.
Series «Pedagogy and Psychology»
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#2 / 2012

General Problems of Pedagogy

  • A.V. Babayan
    The concept of moral education of Ì.I Demkov

    The paper analyzes the concept of moral education of a prominent national educator, Demkov Mikhail Ivanovich (1859-1939) who made a contribution to the actual problems of moral education. His views on the purpose, problems, the maintenance and the basic directions of moral education of rising generation are revealed here. The paper is of interest to university professors, teachers, post-graduate students and the students studying the theory and the history of pedagogical thought and education.

    pdf babayan2012_2.pdf  (251 Kb)

  • S.N. Begidova
    Acmeology determinants of professional formation of the personality

    The paper considers acmeology determinants of professional formation of the identity of the expert. The main acmeology determinant is the created acmeology culture which contents make humanistic outlook, spiritual and moral perfection, innovation, vocational guidance on creative self-development, professional competence, professional mentality. The formation of the allocated components provides professional development and formation of the personality.

    pdf begidova2012_2.pdf  (251 Kb)

  • V.G. Bazhenov
    Psychological and pedagogical conditions of complex work with the family and child from «a group of risk»

    The paper establishes the main lines of activities of persons in prevention of children's neglect and psychological and pedagogical conditions of their interaction in complex work with a family and child from «a group of risk».

    pdf bazhenov2012_2.pdf  (190 Kb)

  • K.I. Buzarov
    Development of national education in Adygheya (The 2-nd half of the XVIII century – The 1-st half of the XX century)

    The paper analyzes problems of genesis and development of educational system in Adygheya from the XVIII century up to the second half of the XX century. This stage of development of the education system is the most significant in the history of development of Adygheya (Circassia) since the known historical events occurring in this region during this period could not but affect not only the national education system both positively and negatively but also all culture of the Adyghe people.

    pdf buzarov2012_2.pdf  (227 Kb)

  • R.A. Galustov
    Formation of design culture of a future teacher of technology and business

    The paper considers questions of shaping design culture of a future teacher of technology and business. Pedagogical conditions, substantial and procedural making technologies of formation of design culture including three basic forms are defined. Separate components of design culture of the identity of a future teacher of technology and business are presented.

    pdf galustov2012_2.pdf  (192 Kb)

  • M.V. Dikalova, V.I. Spirina
    Possibility of the remote-controlled teaching of children with limited possibilities of health

    The paper defines the contents of the remote-controlled teaching on the whole and outlines its possibilities as means of rehabilitation of children with violations of development, the model of organization of remote-controlled teaching is suggested.

    pdf dikalova2012_2.pdf  (201 Kb)

  • E.N. Zakharova
    Competence approach to quality management of educational services

    The paper considers requirements of economics based on knowledge to an education system; concepts «quality of training» and «quality of education», "competences" and "competency" are defined; the strategic map of key competences of the graduate is given; the necessary element of a competence approach to quality management of educational services is defined.

    pdf zakharova4_2012_2.pdf  (223 Kb)

  • I.V. Kryuchkova
    Educational environment as condition of development of self-reliance and personal self-determination of a school student

    The paper specifies the educational environment of innovative private educational institution of high comprehensive school "Razvitiye" in the town of Armavir where the author of the paper is the director. For 10 years the school works successfully on the system of developing education by D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davidov. The main objective of school is formation of self-reliance of a pupil as major quality and condition for successful training and preparation for personality socialization.

    pdf kryuchkova1_2012_2.pdf  (226 Kb)

  • I.V. Kryuchkova, K.I. Buzarov
    Peculiarities of the organization of educational process at private innovative secondary comprehensive school «Razvitiye»

    The paper shows peculiarities of structure of educational process at innovative school "Razvitiye", defines educational stages and development of universal educational actions of pupils at each stage, establishes the urgency of realization of innovative technologies in educational practice.

    pdf kryuchkova2_2012_2.pdf  (211 Kb)

  • E.G. Marchuk
    Increase of intellectual competence of the schoolboy as condition of his self-development

    The paper presents the results of the experimental research of the process of formation of intellectual competence of schoolboys in educational process. It is established by the author that formation of intellectual competence of pupils depends on consecutive formation of the components of the process. The purpose of the paper is to draw attention of the pedagogical public to the necessity of use of the intellectual-focused tasks, pedagogical approaches, the principles defining the forms, methods of forming intellectual competence of schoolboys in educational process.

    pdf marchuk2012_2.pdf  (233 Kb)

  • Z.K. Meretukova
    Didactic questioning in lectures and seminars as a means of developing potential of problem training in the course of preparation of the expert

    The paper discloses the essence of the concept "didactic questioning", the author of the paper offers its definition and substantial filling; difference between this concept and the concept «question statement» is revealed; the paper substantiates the interrelation of culture of didactic questioning and realization of the developing potential of problem training, thereby the author offers the definition of the concept «problem training», establishes its substantial characteristics and correlation of methods of problem training and questioning in terms of « purpose – value – creative thinking».

    pdf meretukova2012_2.pdf  (312 Kb)

  • V.G. Mozgot
    Problems of music education of student’s youth in the polyethnic region

    In the paper problems of music education of students in the polyethnic region of the North Caucasus are considered. One of the main problems lies in divergence of the requirements to the theory and practice of musical and pedagogical activity and readiness of students to it. In the conditions of national originality of the region it is necessary to develop receptions and ways of introduction in educational process of concrete samples of folklore and the works of professional music reflecting national and ethnic originality of musical culture.

    pdf mozgot2012_2.pdf  (223 Kb)

  • O.A. Mudrakova
    Problems of development of IKT- competence of computer science teachers by use of electronic resources for educational purposes in improvement of professional skills

    The paper considers the questions connected with the analysis of the concept the [IKT]-competence of the teacher of information theory and the ways of raising the level of this competence.

    pdf mudrakova2012_2.pdf  (215 Kb)

  • M.E. Paatova, S.N. Begidova, N.Kh. Khakunov
    Theoretical-Methodical analysis of social and pedagogical phenomena «deviant behaviour of teenagers», «delinquent behaviour of teenagers»

    The paper is devoted to theoretical-methodological analysis of the concepts «deviant behavior» and «delinquent behavior» of teenagers in the context of a personal approach and bringing to light reasons for emergence of these social and pedagogical phenomena, substantiating the author's view on this problem.

    pdf paatova2012_2.pdf  (280 Kb)

  • V.A. Petkov, S.I. Andryushchenko
    Organization of the innovative environment of the educational establishments

    The paper is devoted to consideration of bases of the organization of the innovative environment in educational institution. The author opens essence of the environment approach and typology of innovative processes, technology of their design, ways of diagnostics and forms of the effective organization of the innovative environment. The material is of interest for students, teachers and teachers of secondary and higher educational institutions.

    pdf petkov2012_2.pdf  (191 Kb)

  • T.N. Poddubnaya, O.Yu. Krynina
    Innovative Competence Model of the Graduate of the Higher School (on the example of the Bachelor)

    The paper considers specifics of the development and maintenance of competence model of the graduate bachelor in specialization «Tourism»; discloses groups of competences (common cultural and professional) meeting the requirements of the academic and professional readiness of the bachelor of tourism.

    pdf poddubnaya2012_2.pdf  (282 Kb)

  • E.T. Rubtsova
    On the issue of technological culture in higher pedagogical education

    Modern education implies high quality of teachers’ training which includes technological culture. To master technological culture is important for a teacher of any speciality. Technological culture in education is closely connected with pedagogical culture; it includes the ability to use pedagogical technologies, definite knowledge and skills, process of thinking, worldview and active professional pedagogical position.

    pdf rubtsova2012_2.pdf  (255 Kb)

  • N.M. Sazhina, M.S. Golub
    Prevention of pedagogical risks of victimization of the teenager

    The paper reveals main approaches to the concept «the victimization of personality»; phases of the investigation are displayed; some ways of preventing pedagogical risks in victimization of the teenager in modern conditions are suggested.

    pdf sazhina2012_2.pdf  (217 Kb)

  • T.D. Skudnova
    Acmeology approach in psychological-pedagogical education

    The paper presents acmeology system of training specialists in psychological- pedagogical education. It reveals the role of courses of «Social designing», «Pedagogical acmeology» in the formation of acmeology culture of specialists of social sphere in conditions of psychological-pedagogical education.

    pdf skudnova2012_2.pdf  (186 Kb)

  • A.P. Stukanov
    Realities of synergetic management of additional professional education

    The paper deals with the methodological bases of efficiency of a synergetic approach to management of additional professional perfection of pedagogical staff.

    pdf stukanov2012_2.pdf  (208 Kb)

  • M.H. Tuguz, L.N. Kubashicheva
    Dialogic activities as a communicative disposition of pedagogical cooperation in a rural national school

    The paper discusses dialogic activities as a communicative disposition of pedagogical cooperation in a rural national school which ensures readiness of pupils for life in polyethnic and multicultural society.

    pdf tuguz_m_2012_2.pdf  (182 Kb)

  • À.À. Ushakov
    Professionalism of the teacher as a determinant of improvement of the quality of educational services in the conditions of competitiveness of the system of secondary vocational training

    The paper considers the interrelation of the problem of maintenance of quality of average vocational training and professionalism of the teacher. The result of the research made it possible to prove value of professionally important qualities of the teacher in improvement of quality of educational services in the conditions of competitiveness of system of vocational training.

    pdf ushakov2012_2.pdf  (269 Kb)

  • F.P. Khakunova
    The problem of organization of independent work of school and university students at the present stage of education

    The author of the paper discloses an urgency of the organization of independent work of subjects of educational process, characterizes levels and types of independent work and peculiarities of independent work of school and university students, classifies them according to types, proceeding from the private and didactic purposes, informative tasks and specifics of educational and informative activity.

    pdf khakunova2012_2.pdf  (211 Kb)

  • K.D. Chermit, G.Z. Kharkovskaya, N.K. Kuprina
    Organizational and pedagogical conditions of use of the resourse of parents for development of the municipal education system

    The analysis of structure of addresses of citizens of Krasnodar Territory and the city of Krasnodar to various municipal and regional bodies concerning development of the general education, questionnaire of parents and experts in the field of education (more than 1400 respondents at 42 schools) made it possible to substantiate organizational and pedagogical conditions, realization of which will allow to use the resource of parents for development of the municipal education system.

    pdf chermit1_2012_2.pdf  (300 Kb)

  • K.M. Shikov, E.I. Dvornikova
    Formation of the professional ideal of the teacher of Russian at the turn of XIX-XX centuries

    The paper studies the ideal image of the teacher of Russian at the turn of XIX - XX centuries and specificity of vocational training through a prism of priorities of language education of the school student and axsiological categories of pedagogical activity of the teacher of language and literature.

    pdf shikov1_2012_2.pdf  (277 Kb)

  • D.E. Em
    Foreign language as a tool for formation of communicative competence of students, future managers of hotel industry

    This paper raises a very important and actual for Russia problem that managers of hotel industry - graduates of higher education do not meet modern requirements of the industry of hospitality. On an example of the town-resort Anapa of Krasnodar territory the concept of the communicative competence is disclosed. Groups of background knowledge are singled out, the concept of the foreign language competence is specified and its structure is described.The paper underlines that it is necessary for the modern manager of a hotel industry to study a foreign language during training in a higher educational institution.

    pdf em2012_2.pdf  (215 Kb)

    Special Methods and Teaching Technologies

  • T.P. Avanesova
    Educational module computer support

    The paper describes possibilities of computer support in the course of modular training.

    pdf avanesova2012_2.pdf  (369 Kb)

  • Kh.Z. Bagirokov
    Bilingual thinking and the process of teaching a native language

    Bilingual and polilingual situation in the Adyghe language space affected formation of the Adyghe language picture of the world in the Russian Federation, caused strengthening of communicative interactions and led to a community of basic knowledge about the world with Adyghe-Russian lingual- cultural core.

    pdf bagirokov1_2012_2.pdf  (155 Kb)

  • Z.U. Blyagoz, A.N. Blyagoz
    Stylistic mistakes in Russian Speech of Adyghes and work on them

    In the paper stylistic mistakes in speech of pupils – Adyghes are considered. Main of them are the outcome of influence of structure and system of the native language on Russian speech of Adyghes and weak knowledge of laws and rules of lexical, grammatical word compabinality, their stylistic use.

    pdf blyagoz2012_2.pdf  (170 Kb)

  • B.M. Dzhandar
    Text as the basis for formation of oral coherent speech

    The paper considers the problem of formation of foreign communicative competence on the basis of the text. A support on data of modern linguistics concerning the text allows to define the contents of system of work on development of coherent foreign speech.

    pdf dzhandar2012_2.pdf  (233 Kb)

  • A.Kh. Zagashtokov
    Questions of comparative analysis of languages for lingua didactic purposes

    The comparative method is widely used not only in the theory of language but also in practical studies. The aims and tasks of teaching a non- native language determine the comparative analysis of languages for linguadidactic purposes. Therefore the linguadidactic appendix of results of comparative description of the Russian and Kabardian-Circassian languages is disclosed in the paper, as well as the main concepts of linguadidactic typology, elaborated by the author, are stated.

    pdf zagashtokov2012_2.pdf  (191 Kb)

  • F.K. Urakova
    Comparative typological description of basic units of the text in the Russian and Adyghe languages with teaching aims

    Comparative analysis of syntactic units of Russian and Adyghe languages showed likeness and distinction of these two languages on the syntactic level. It gives the opportunity to develop connected speech of the pupils of national schools and overcome difficulties of interference. It also creates the opportunities for supporting at the elements of transposition, for using all skills and experience of the pupils at the lessons of the Russian language and for developing Russian speech.

    pdf urakova1_2012_2.pdf  (242 Kb)

  • F.K. Urakova, Z.R. Khachmafova
    Formation of the language personality in the conditions of school modernization: problems and prospects

    The paper discloses the main problems of modern language education, the prospects of its development directed at the solution of the most urgent problems of philological education, allowing to mobilize all resources for increase of productivity of teaching the languages, meeting modern national and international requirements.

    pdf urakova2_2012_2.pdf  (227 Kb)

  • Z.R. Khachmafova
    Formation of Lingua cultural competence of foreign students when teaching Russian as a foreign language on the basis of the concept «woman»

    The main objective is creation of a technique of formation of lingua cultural competence of foreign students studying Russian at the initial stage of training on the basis of lexical representation of the concept "woman", rendering a key fragment of national concept sphere. The training model of the organization of the corresponding nominative field is developed.

    pdf khachmafova2012_2.pdf  (216 Kb)

    Modern Problems of Psychology

  • A.B. Rogozyan
    Properties of social adaptivity in the structure of individual style of stress-resistence of the person

    The paper discloses the interrelation of psychodinamic properties of a person and specific display of sense of stress. Presumption is made that a person possesses social adaptivity in the individual style of stress resistance (ISSR). Irrespective of psychodinamic properties of a person, in difficult life situations constructive ISSR includes adaptiveness-conformity, an invariant of productive ISSR. Persons with good adaptivity are capable of establishing new rules of interaction in a group. Persons with weak neuropsychic stability get stress resistance by including adaptivity-lability in the complex of psychological components of ISSR, which in the first place prevents perception of the factors of organizational stress.

    pdf rogozyan2012_2.pdf  (421 Kb)

  • Z.I. Tsiku
    Orientation in the system of psychological factors of professionalism of the teacher of preschool educational establishment of the combined type

    The paper studies the empirical data characterizing manifestations of a personal orientation of the teacher of preschool educational institution of the combined type at different stages of a professional cycle. It is proved that it has invariant (typological) and specific components. To invariant components the author refers a personal orientation to business (a production task) and socially focused professional preferences which are closely interconnected. Specific components are defined as quality indicators of motives of the pedagogical activity, expressed at certain stages of a professional cycle. For beginning teachers specific components are an orientation on themselves and on creative types of work. Teachers with long experience have an orientation to communication, collective activity, desire and ability to work in a profession of subsidiary type. For the teacher-master the most important is an orientation to business, aspiration to see direct results of socially focused work.

    pdf tsiku2012_2.pdf  (265 Kb)

    Educational Space of Physical Training and Sports

  • R.M. Magomedov, I.V. Makrushina
    System of socially oriented sports and sports work in the city of Derbent

    The paper produces the characteristic of the author's system of socially oriented sports and sports activity directed at the solution of actual social and pedagogical problems of the youth of Dagestan; it describes effective, subject, methodological and rich in content aspects of socially oriented sports and sports activity and its results.

    pdf magomedov2012_2.pdf  (346 Kb)

  • A.E. Mitin, A.B. Bguashev
    Research of the problem of regulation by the teacher of behaviour engaged in physical education and sports in Russia and abroad

    The paper analyzes the researches devoted to the problem of formation of motivation of doing some physical activity and sports at various groups of the population. It considers possibility of regulation of students’ behavior by the teacher taking into consideration their interests, requirements and motives. The attention is focused on the necessity of formation of teacher’s abilities of constructive interaction with the students, which provides increase of efficiency of physical-sports activity. Special attention is paid to the results of investigation of this problem presented in foreign publications.

    pdf mitin2012_2.pdf  (283 Kb)

  • Chan Nayn Dik, G.D. Aleksanyants, Yu.A. Kudryashova
    The analysis of variability of the heart rhythm of athletes – badminton players in the transition period of a year training cycle

    Cardiovascular system is the indicator of adaptive reactions in reply to physical activity. Optimization of its functioning is a necessary condition for achievement of high sports results. The author carried out the comparative analysis of variability of a heart rhythm of athletes-badminton players and persons of the same age who do not do sports. 59 athletes were examined (first-rank sportsmen, candidates for the master and masters of sports) at the age of 17-21 years at the beginning and at the end of a transition period of a year training cycle and 35 young men from the control group. The athletes who are engaged in badminton, show reduction of tension of the central type of regulation and increase in activity of a contour of regulation of heart activity, with prevalence of a parasympathetic component.

    pdf chan_nayn_dik2012_2.pdf  (274 Kb)

  • K.D. Chermit, A.O. Isakov, S.N. Begidova
    Subject role-playing games as means of physical training and minimization of influence of deprivation on orphan children of the advanced preschool age

    The paper considers the reasons and conditions the performance of which provides positive influence of subject role-playing games on physical condition of orphan children of the advanced preschool age; the bases of a technique of their application for physical training and socialization of this group of children are defined. The procedural model of application of subject role-playing games is developed to minimize the influence of a deprivation on development of children, which was positively estimated by experts.

    pdf chermit2_2012_2.pdf  (346 Kb)