#4 / 2006
Pedagogical Sciences
T.N. Poddubnaya
Social realities of the childhood in Russia: a regional aspect
The paper discloses the modern state of the world of the childhood in the Adygheya Republic. The author gives results of expert questioning of the Republic inhabitants and specialists from the state and regional bodies, institutions of local government and non-state structures directly participating in the decision of a problem of social protection of the childhood. The probable reasons for children distress in the region are explained and recommendations for improvement of the state of children are offered.
L.N. Kubashicheva
Humanistic foundations of the Adyghes national pedagogy
Within the framework of humanistic paradigm the education is considered as the personality-oriented, cultural process directed to the formation of the basis of personal culture. The present stage of development of a pedagogical science is characterized by insufficient attention to a problem of a correlation of development of ethnic culture and the general culture of the person in terms of disclosing his integrity. The necessary conditions of the formation of the integral person are the wealth of his internal culture, intellectual freedom, high moral potential and tolerance in interpersonal and interethnic dialogue.
G.B. Luganskaya
Nonconventional knowledge of essence of the person in curator educational work at higher school
The paper is devoted to a prominent aspect in training by the curator of higher school of the future teacher, namely to the formation of pedagogical culture and cultural orientation of the person as its component. Such element of universal culture as nonconventional knowledge of essence of the person having great gnostic, axiological and educational potential can be included in the curator activities.
L.V. Shelekhova
On a personal paradigm in education
The paper discusses the basic ideas of the most known authors of personality-oriented education (Bondarevskaya E.V., Serikov V.V., Yakimanskaya I.S.) whose concepts have independent integrity. Classification of existing models of personality-oriented pedagogy (social – pedagogical, subject-didactic and psychological) is given.
L.H. Tseeva
A national-regional aspect in education of children of preschool age
The paper is devoted to a national-regional aspect, one of the important problems of the modern system of preschool education. It reflects the contents, features of a national – regional component in education as a whole, and in preschool education, in particular. The brief characteristic of a national – regional aspect is given in the program “Me and my world” for children of preschool age.
V.P. Shram
Academic freedoms in a system of specialist training at higher school
The paper discusses academic freedoms of students in educational space and contradictions of their realization.
N.N. Kraft
Independent work as the means of self-development of students
Independent work is the means of the organization and management of independent activity of students. Its correct organization is resulted in formation of independence, independent study skills and ability to self-development in students.
L.I. Tereshchenko and Z.I. Shorova
On experience in teaching natural sciences at high school with the use of modern pedagogical technologies
The authors describe approbation of modern technologies of training during teaching an experimental course “Natural Sciences” at the 10th – 11 th classes in Lyceum No. 19.
N.V. Kabayan and N.P. Edygova
Generalization of experience in organizing and conducting practices at the Faculty of Natural Sciences
The paper generalizes a many-year experience in organizing and conducting educational-field, industrial, pedagogical and pre-qualifying practices.
Psychological Sciences
S.Y. Kobleva and R.M. Koblev
Psychological linguistics and valuable orientations of the person
The paper discusses intercultural communications within the framework of cultural study in psychological linguistics. The intercultural communication is a dialogue among representatives of different peoples, consisting in an exchange of valuable preferences and orientations.