#2 / 2006
Pedagogical Sciences
Z.K. Meretukova
Methodological mistakes in psy-chological and pedagogical researches and in publications
The paper discusses methodological mistakes revealed during studying and the analysis of numerous pub-lications (scientific papers, methodical recommendations, teaching-methodical manuals, monographs) and theses. The types of mistakes, their analysis and examples illus-trating these mistakes are given. Besides, a number of recommendations and algorithms for avoiding these mistakes are offered.
E.B. Ptushchenko
An adaptive methodical system as a system-forming component in the modern conditions of teaching
The author describes the adaptive methodical system as a system-forming component in the modern conditions of teaching.
Zh.I. Shorova
On studying modern pedagogical technologies of teaching chemistry at the Faculty of Natural Sciences
The paper discusses experience in using modern technologies of teaching a special course “Modern Pedagogical Technologies” in educational process at the Fac-ulty of Natural Sciences and the influence of modern technologies on the decision of problems of the future chemistry teacher professional training.
N.V. Kabayan and O.S. Kabayan
The discipline “General Biology” in a system of professional Natural Science education
The paper generalizes experience in realizing the technology of development of content and process com-ponents of the discipline “General Biology” on the basis of the acmeologic approach, with the use of elements of adaptive system of teaching. This allows pupils to pass a stage of adaptation to higher school education more effec-tively.
L.R. Chitao
A system of evaluation: questions of the theory
The pedagogy makes the active attempts to solve a problem of the objective control and an estimation of knowledge but faces with a number of complexities, in-cluding organizational and psychological. Teachers ac-cept reluctantly innovations in the control of the results of teaching because an effort to understand new systems and time for their mastering and application are required. The reason is that the Russian higher school is now in mar-ginal position relative to the automated pedagogical tech-nologies (ÀPÒ).
Z.K. Ferkhatova
Adyghe educator-humanist C.T.Pshunelov and problems of children education
The paper is devoted to the analysis of works of Adyghe teacher-educator, humanist Chishmay Takhovich Pshunelov in terms of definition of educational potential of his pedagogical heritage.
V.V. Zaiko
The essence of level differentiation and conditions of its realization in teaching younger pupils to solve text tasks
The paper is devoted to a pressing question of a technique of the teaching of mathematics in an elemen-tary school, namely: level differentiation of the training younger pupils to solve text mathematical tasks. With the level differentiation, various requirements to mastering school material are put before the pupils studying in one class and under one textbook. The basic level of training set by the standard of mathematical education is defined and on its basis higher levels of mastering the material are formed.
Psychological Sciences
A.A. Yurina
The influence of personal characteris-tics of the subject of creative activity on productivity of creative achievements
The paper is devoted to the analysis of some per-sonal characteristics of the subject of creative activity, namely: creative activity, motivation of creativity, emotional conditions of the creator, the subjective creative world with its space and time, creative uniqueness and psychological barriers in creativity.
Chitao I.A.
Psychological factors in teaching the higher form pupils to dialogical speech
In the paper the author discusses psychological features of higher form pupils the account of which allows them to cope with complicated problems of a rapid dialogical context and to form the statements distinguished by independence of judgements.