#3 / 2011
General Problems of Pedagogy
S.I. Andryushchenko
Personal - professional self-determination of senior pupils at the interschool educational complex
The paper discusses the activity related to the formation of personal-professional self-determination of senior pupils at the interschool educational complex.
M.A. Grinko
Designing individual trajectories of teaching a foreign language to students of pedagogical higher schools
The paper discusses the content of a process of individualization of teaching students learning a foreign language to designing individual trajectories of teaching students to a foreign language. The author proves scientifically one of the ways of the solution of this problem by means of construction of a model and technology of this process. The pedagogical conditions defining efficiency of designing individual trajectories of teaching students to a foreign language are disclosed.
A.G. Gritsay
A model of formation of professional social teacher competences in preventing child abuse in the family
The paper provides a model of formation of professional competences at the future social teachers in preventing child abuse in the family. It describes the conceptual base including leading methodological approaches and modern concepts of training in higher school; the target directions of professional training meeting modern requirements of the higher pedagogical education; the content of the professional educational programs integrating theoretical and practical training, the pedagogical technologies promoting acquisition by students of individual experience of professional work and research creativity and the pedagogical monitoring providing operative diagnostics and correction of professional training of social teachers in the t direction.
M.Sh. Daurova
Innovative tendencies in the development of the education system of Russia during the postindustrial period
The paper discusses the basic tendencies in the development of the education system of Russia during the postindustrial period, namely: innovations of the pedagogical process focused on socially significant results; integrity as a leading principle of a modern paradigm of education; democratization of social life and education; creation of a complete “educational field” which transforms a society in “teaching” and “trained”; wide introduction of information technologies; decentralization of education through its regionalization and municipalization; multiformity and multifunctionality of an education system; an openness and continuity of education, a humanization and humanitarization of education, etc.
E.V. Demkina
Contemporary approaches to professional education of the future expert in the conditions of education process
The paper explores contemporary approaches to professional education of the person of the future expert in the conditions of education process. The author substantiates their urgency and necessity for the effective organization of educational activity in various types of educational institutions. The objective of this paper is to reveal experts’ views and opinions on the above mentioned questions in sphere of the pedagogical theory and practice.
A.A. Kazantseva
The role of information technologies in helping foreign pupils to adapt at the higher school of Russia
In order to search for new approaches to solve a problem of the academic adaptation of foreign students at higher school in the period when Russia enters a system of world culture and education through a prism of the Bologna process an intense use of computer and innovative techniques is needed. This is an objective requirement for the system of contemporary education. The paper explores the role of computer technologies and innovative techniques in helping foreign pupils to adapt to new methods and modes of study at the higher school of Russia. Various types of software (the electronic textbooks, training programs, the Internet) and their introduction in pedagogical process of foreign students training at higher schools of Russia are examined using an example of the Moscow Auto-Road Institute (STU).
V.D. Kolomiytseva
Voluntary activity in preparation of children-orphans to pass on to replacing family
The present paper focuses upon the urgency of preparation of children-orphans and children without parental support to pass on to replacing family. Lines of activity of the voluntary student's group working in the above-named area are considered.
E.M. Kochneva, L.Yu. Pakhomova
Conditions for optimization of development of students’ motivational readiness to professional work
The paper discusses conditions for optimization of development of students’ motivational readiness to professional work. External and internal conditions of development of motivational readiness are identified.
L.V. Makhaeva
Mechanism of formation of the information competence at students of secondary professional education institutions
The paper shows the structure of professional competences at students of secondary professional education institutions. The author describes the mechanism of formation of the information competence, including semantic and technological components, and gives its scheme.
D.M. Nazarov
Pedagogical essence of hermeneutic technology of remote training
The paper addresses the hermeneutics as a method of scientific knowledge and reveals features of its application in a pedagogical science. Having made the comparative analysis in order to formalize the hermeneutic method of knowledge, the author proposes to introduce a concept of an information hermeneutics into a scientific operation. The work provides a definition and describes the pedagogical essence of hermeneutic technology of remote training on the basis of an information hermeneutics.
A.A. Polyakova
Axiological potential of the person: intrinsic features and pedagogical functions
The paper describes the essence of axiological potential of the person and reveals its interrelation with society and with the education process. The author shows that the axiological potential of the person is the aim and the final result of education.
S.A. Rezinkova
Procedural component of educational model of formation of senior pupils’ readiness to professional self-determination by means of expert system
The paper discusses preparatory, forming and analytical-assessed stages of a procedural component of educational model of formation of senior pupils’ readiness to professional self-determination. Special attention is given to a forming stage of a procedural component in the course of which a scenario is defined to carry out the educational actions directed to formation of senior pupils’ readiness to professional self-determination.
D.A. Rozanov
Modern socialization of pedagogically neglected children by means of subject interaction of educational institution and the family
The paper examines the most actual problems of education of children in modern rural society. The author characterizes the dynamics of the process of pedagogical neglect of children. An analysis is undertaken to search for optimum model of training of the future teacher of rural school to subject interaction of school and a family in education of the child. The person of the modern teacher of rural school is studied as the expert owning an arsenal of social-pedagogical activity and capable to effectively cooperate in partner relations with the different experts who investigate the child. The author lists functions which parents master in the course of social “recover” of a family.
O.A. Samovik
A model of the teacher of initial additional music education: ideal and real
The paper gives a characteristic of the concept of “a model” with reference to pedagogy. The model of training under study includes the prognostic, conceptual, instrumental and reflective components and a monitoring model. Conceptual positions of the model of the teacher of the future, focused on the decision of educational and methodical problems are presented. The author distinguishes professional, knowledge, psychological, “training” and educational components of the model of the teacher – musician. Contradictions between ideal notions on the pedagogy of initial additional music education and the developed modern student teaching come to light.
Yu.N. Sinitsyn, N.M. Sazhina
Pedagogical technology for motivating pupils to preserve health
The paper presents the technology for motivating pupils to preserve health. Its algorithm is disclosed in stage-by-stage activity of the teacher. The diagnostic, search, contractual, action and reflective stages are filled by the new content (these stages are transformed into methods by pedagogical conditions of formation of self-organizing bases) and represent a complete rough structure.
T.Yu. Shkolnitskaya
The innovative approach to formation of creative abilities at younger pupils
The purpose of the paper is to show possibilities of application of innovative pedagogical technology for development of creative abilities at younger pupils on the basis of the author’s program “Floristics as a dialogue with the nature in the art language”. The object of research is the process of professional training of the future teacher of elementary school in higher school. The object of research includes substantial and methodical bases of formation of creative abilities of younger pupils. The tasks of research are as follows: (1) awakening in the child of the creative person; (2) expansion of his outlook of knowledge of the nature; and (3) education of the valid relation to the nature.
Special Methods and Teaching Technologies
M.B. Bogus
Development of mental faculties at younger pupils in the conditions of Adyghe-Russian bilingualism
The paper provides the substantiation of the bilingual approach for development of mental faculties of trainees. The work discloses the essence of bilingual system of development of mental faculties in younger pupils. The author of the paper designates the didactic-methodical conditions of realization of bilingual system of development of mental faculties at younger pupils in the conditions of Adyghe-Russian bilingualism.
E.V. Guseva
Profile elective courses of intersubject character as the continuity implementer between school and higher school (as shown by the course of mathematics)
The paper provides data on the urgency of use of profile elective courses in cadet classes to prepare pupils for training in engineering specialties at military higher school. The author presents the results of research of the relation of cadets to training subjects, including to mathematics. The principle of a professional orientation is disclosed and necessity of its realization in system of military experts training is proved.
O.S. Larina
Features of work on compositions about the childhood at lessons of literature reading at elementary school
The paper discusses the technique of work on compositions about the childhood at lessons of the literature reading, promoting the solution of problems of literature development of the younger pupil.
Yu.P. Nevmerzhitskaya
The foreign language as the tool of knowledge in the field of traditional spiritual culture
The paper addresses the problematic aspects of value-semantic development of the person by applying to spiritual traditions of folklore. This study substantiates the use of the British folklore in the course of the training to English language which is considered as the tool of knowledge. The author’s treatment of spiritual tradition of folklore is presented. The expediency of inclusion of elements of a special course on spiritual tradition of the British folklore in training process to foreign languages in higher school is proved.
N.Yu. Ozhgibesova
Introduction of educational (problematic, heuristic) situations as the necessary condition of formation of intellectual motives for students to study
The paper describes the use of educational (problematic, heuristic) situations as means of formation of intellectual motives for students to study. The main thing in use of problemic situations is stimulation of students to transition from passive mastering knowledge to active search and to reflective positioning.
L.Sh. Tlyusten
The morphological and phonemic principles of Russian spelling
This paper examines two of four main principles of Russian spelling – morphological and phonemic. The urgency of the description of principles of spelling is defined by importance of the object of consideration: spelling principles make one of the basic links of the letter system as a whole. The overwhelming majority of linguists consider the morphological and phonemic principles to be the leading principles of Russian spelling.
Modern Problems of Psychology
L.M. Dodova
Features of formation of the psychosocial maturity in teenagers – pupils at military schools
The paper analyzes the most prominent approaches which have developed in modern psychology to understand a psychosocial maturity of the person during the teenage period of the person genesis. The analysis of the empirical data has shown relative diagnostic indicators of a psychosocial maturity of the teenagers who are brought up in military school: high level of ability to estimate the results and the psychological flexibility interrelated to high level of general internality and internality in the field of achievements. The approaching of the general internality to level, characteristic of the adult person; and high level of arbitrary self-control of behavior and planning and programming properties providing it are indicative of pupils of the Cossack military school. The well-expressed ethnoaffiliative tendencies are characteristic of the teenagers who are brought up in national military school.
M.I. Dubentsov
Features of students’ educational-professional work in the condition of the person’s professional uncertainty
The paper addresses the problematic aspects of the young people’s professional self-determination. The author presents a concept of the person’s professional uncertainty, related to the level of readiness for professional work. An analysis is made of features of educational-professional work at students in a condition of professional uncertainty.
V.S. Egorova
Features of social-psychological adaptation and responsibility at students of various specialties
The paper examines the social-psychological adaptation of students of art and economic specialties to new social conditions. Research of social adaptation and responsibility was conducted over 195 students of the Krasnodar Art School and the Kuban Institute of the International Business and Management. It has been revealed that specificity of the selected kind of activity makes impact on the process of social-psychological adaptation of students-artists, in a greater degree, than economists. It is established that the level of responsibility at students depends on a modern situation and cultural development of youth rather than on the chosen specialty.
V.A. Kovalenko
Genesis of the person’s self-appraisal as a psychological category
The paper provides the state-of-the-art review of works of the domestic and foreign scientists on a self-appraisal of the person and on its differences from consciousness and self-relation. An analysis is made of conditions of its formation and functioning, as well as its influence on activity. The author shows its interrelation with the person’s values, motivation, concept of I-positions and affective experiences.
E.R. Kuasheva
Stead-fastness and value-semantic preferences of the person: the coordination and contradictions (as shown by the material of law-enforcement body employees)
The paper is aimed at revealing connection between the person’s stead-fastness and value-semantic preferences in a combination with features of existential self-determination and subject position. Such statement of a problem is carried out in the logic of the subject-life approach according to which the value-semantic preferences of the person are expedient for considering in interrelation with its ontologic identity and features of subject activity (as structural components of modus of the person).
F.G. Lovpache
Vital prospects as the basic indicator of personal development at youthful age
The subject of this study includes projects, the aims of the future and a vital prospect. The objects are deviant teenagers and young men. The aim of the paper is to reveal features of personal regulatory formations of persons with deviant behaviour and their relation to the future. Specific objectives are to carry out the analysis of the psychological literature; to give formation typology of the components of the relation to the future; to define difficulties in definition of vital prospects at young men with deviant behaviour.
A.D. Solomko
Development of emotional-affective sphere of the child with the autistic spectrum disorder by special means of physical training
The paper introduces the concept of “special means of physical training” denoting a system of means and methods for development of psychological-pedagogical influence on the child with the autistic spectrum disorder. These means and methods are aimed at forming a set of the new mental growths approached to the age psychological norms. The author describes basic components of the program of physical training in correctional-developing work with the autistic children, aged 3-7 years, as well as gives the analysis of results of the forming experiment, confirming its scientifical-methodical validity and the practical importance.
G.G. Tanasov
The person and dialogue interconditionality in a system of modern psychological knowledge of the person
The paper discusses the interrelation and interconditionality of phenomena of “the person” and “a dialogue”. The declared theme is considered from principle positions of “the personality”, the subject approach and the dialogueism ideology. The principle of “the personality” suggests that phenomenology and laws of dialogue, its psychological component and other aspects should be investigated from a position of personal conditionality and consideration of the person as the subject of the dialogue realizing functions significant for the person and focusing on achievement of the purposes significant for the person. The category “subject” used in the paper is involved to substantiate quality and the orientation of the person’s activity (special kind of which is a dialogue) to the change of an external world in order to support the internal one. Inclusion of dialogueism ideology is urged to emphasize necessity of contacts with the Different and with Another to search and define himself as a person, as well as to get identity. It is inferred that the development of the person is conditioned by procedure and content characteristics of the dialogue, by those roles which the person takes up, beginning from a birth till a maturity throughout the course of the person’s life.
E.V. Kharitonova
Behavioural-productive types of the person with different levels of the professional demand
The paper presents the results of empirical research on behavioural-productive types of the person with different levels of a professional demand. The author introduces the concept of “behavioural productivity” as a procedure characteristic of the subject activity providing social adaptation of the person, adequate to requirements of a situation (environment). The following prevailing behavioural-productive types of the person are distinguished: “the medium-level demanded person resolving situationally stressful situations”, “the demanded person with the harmonious developed system of self-control” and “the medium-level demanded person with the mean adaptable abilities”. The conclusion is drawn about the practical importance of results of research, in particular, for definition of tactics of consultation, selection and placement of personnel, in professional orientation work, in individual consultation and rendering the psychological help.
T.P. Kharkova
I-image and strategy of behaviour of the person in difficult reality situations
The paper discusses a coordination of I-image of the person, differentiation of its components and the connection between degree of differentiation of I-image of the person and behavioral strategy in difficult reality situations. The author examines the concept of I-positions and I-image, plurality and dynamism of which is underlined also by other scientists. Differentiation of I-image of the person, inherent in the integrated person, is shown to be reached, first of all, by a direct inclusiveness of the person in various vital spaces. Variability of self-descriptions is connected with differentiation of I-image. The more exact the division is, the wider are descriptions and the more behavioural and action characteristics occur in them.
I.B. Shuvanov
Prospects of the subject approach to the analysis of element base of psychological model for safety of the subject of life
The urgency of the research is caused by the ripened necessity of working out the methodological “keys” disclosing the ways of practical actualization of cholistic human nature, proving practical prospects of synthesis of already existing methodological approaches to understanding the essence and nature of danger and safety. A research objective is an interpretation of the content and prospects of the subject approach to the analysis of psychological model for safety of the subject of life. The object of study is a psychological model for safety of the subject of life. The subject of study is the subject approach as a methodological basis for the analysis of element base of psychological model for safety of the subject of life. The primary goal is to prove explanatory algorithm of the subject approach in deducing the element base of psychological model for safety of the subject of life. It is shown that “the subject approach” assumes variability of meanings of “subjectness”. On the basis of the subject approach the psychological nature of danger and safety is deduced. They are referred to the sphere of subjectivity of the social subject presented by “the motivational block of variables” of his subjectness and are set as opposition on the basis of which the psychological technics of product of life by the social subject – “a danger/safety experience”- is based. The concept “experience of safety” is introduced, expressing “the psychological technics of product of life by the ethnos”. It means prospects of harmonization of those aspects of the program of life that are built on the basis of “danger/safety” opposition at hypertrophied objectivity of “danger” in notions of the social subject.
B.A. Yasko, E.V. Kharitonova
The personal-typological “profiles” of the professional demand
The paper presents the results of empirical research on typological features of a professional demand of the person. The system of relations of the person to himself as to the professional, who is significant for others, is shown in the form of the typological “profiles” reflecting specificity of the social-demographic and professional status of the person and the level of his personal and professional development. The authors distinguish eight kinds of “profiles” and describe their psychological content. The conclusion is drawn about expediency of use of empirically distinguished personal-typological “profiles” in various kinds of advisory psychological activity.
Educational Space of Physical Training and Sports
R.Z. Osmanov
A joint control of physical training at comprehensive school
The paper examines the questions related to perfection of physical training of rising generation in the conditions of secondary educational institutions. The joint control of physical training and sports activity by teachers, pupils and their parents within the limits of physical training at comprehensive school allows an effective solution of the problems related to physical training of the person of pupils. The author develops and presents a model of joint control of physical training at comprehensive school and describes the ways of realization of the given model in practice of physical training of children of school age.
Yu.B. Tkhakumacheva
Physical improving health training in the postnatal rehabilitation period
The paper discusses the organizational-methodical bases of physical improving health training with women in the postnatal period. Using an example of the rhythmic gymnastics, the author describes features of construction of physical activity at each rehabilitation stage of a women’s organism. The aims and problematic aspects of each stage of rehabilitation of women after the delivery are specified.