#2 / 2011
General Problems of Pedagogy
S.I. Andryushchenko
Pedagogical support of teenagers’ vital self-determination in the conditions of interschool educational complex
The paper discloses the activity content on the organization of pedagogical support to vital self-determination of senior pupils in educational process of interschool educational complex. The lines of activity of interschool educational complex are described. The pedagogical conditions providing efficiency of pedagogical support to vital self-determination of teenagers are formulated.
S.V. Aranova
On visualization methodology of the educational information. The art and logic integration
The paper examines methodology of visualization of the educational information in a context of development of new education standards. The basic aspects of formation of intellectual-graphic culture in educational process are elucidated. The author discloses the value of integration of the art and logic components of cognition as the key link of the universal intellectual-graphic competence. The detailed technique of designing a visual-information model is proposed.
F.U. Bazaeva
The person’s self-realization in pedagogical activity
The internal and external aspects of the person’s self-realization in pedagogical activity and bilateral character (at interaction with significant Another) are revealed on the basis of the analysis of researches in pedagogy and psychology.
S.N. Begidova, T.N. Poddubnaya, O.V. Agoshkova
Classification of the bachelor’s general cultural competences in specialization 040400.62 “Social work” as the basis of realization of the competence approach in education
The paper discloses the content of the bachelor’s general cultural competences in the training direction of 040400.62 “Social Work” in connection with the transition to federal state educational standards of the third generation. The authors develop a classification as one of the ways of realization of the competence approach in education.
N.N. Vertsinskaya, V.N. Zhiltsov
Methodological structure of professional work as program orientation of pedagogical researches
The paper shows that structural generalities of the professional work, assumed for consideration in the course of pedagogical research in this or that sequence, define its program. The analysis of the scientific literature is carried out and the basic requirements to preparation of experts of flight business are developed. It is revealed that nontypicalness of methodological structure of the pilot’s professional work causes complexity in a methodological substantiation of the program of pedagogical research. The authors formulate the concept of competence mobility as an integrated professionally significant quality.
A.R. Galustov
Bases of designing a model of students’ readiness for self-education
The paper discusses the bases of designing a model of students’ readiness for self-education and contradictions between necessity of shaping readiness for self-educational activity and insufficiency of a theoretical-methodological substantiation of its organization. The author examines the structure of self-educational activity including motivational, conceptual, activity-reflective, activity-organizational and estimated components.
E.Yu. Gofman
Methodical system of students’ training to designing electronic educational resources at pedagogical higher school
The paper discusses a structure and the content of methodical system of students’ training at pedagogical higher school to designing electronic educational resources. Stages of realization of the author's methodical system are presented.
A.P. Dendeberya
Designing the information-didactic environment of pedagogical higher school
The paper discloses one of the ways of designing the information-didactic environment of teachers’ training higher school and pedagogical support of this process. The content of models of construction of a practical training and criteria for students’ development in the information-didactic environment are substantiated.
D.V. Dorokhov
Principle of invariant self-regulation as the methodological basis of the conception of professional self-development of the future expert
The paper discusses functionality of invariant self-regulation with reference to professional self-development of the individual as a subsystem of his complete personal development. Sources of professional self-development and functions of a principle of invariant self-development are defined. The model of realization of a principle of invariant self-regulation of the subject’s professional self-development is presented. It is established that self-management and self-regulation act as the basic mechanism of professional self-development of the subject of the future or real professional work.
O.A. Zhelnova
Methodological approaches to shaping professional-communication competence in the future lawyers
The paper describes the basic methodological approaches to shaping professional-communicative competence in the future lawyers. The main objectives, the content, forms, means and results are given for each approach.
N.Yu. Zvyagintseva
Shaping readiness for innovative activity in the future teacher in the conditions of module training
The paper discusses the structure of readiness for innovative activity as the key in educational process of the future teachers’ training. This allows specification of a logic-substantial basis of the expert training to professional innovative activity from a position of subject-activity and competence approaches. The author substantiates shaping readiness for innovative activity in the conditions of module training.
G.G. Ibragimov
Folklore phenomenology as spiritual culture of the people in musical-aesthetic education
The paper discloses the depth and value of the Russian mono- and multiethnic folklore of the people of Russia that is topical presently. Domestic researches of folklore traditions reveal new sides of lively folklore multiethnic samples which should become the purpose of musical-esthetic education of schoolchildren up-to-date. The paper’s conception is constructed on the basis of trustworthy experimental researches on the traditional and authentic mono- and multiethnic folklore of the people of Russia as a phenomenon of spiritual culture in the educational system of the Russian Federation.
A.V. Kazakevich
Pedagogical support of students’ professional self-determination at agrarian higher school
The paper discusses the essence, the content and the terms of the organization of pedagogical support of students’ professional self-determination at agrarian higher school.
S.V. Kononova
Evolution of scientific pedagogical specialities in Russia (1855-2009)
The paper uncovers sources and the evolution of scientific pedagogical specialities in the Russian Empire, the USSR and the Russian Federation.
Z.K. Meretukova
Readiness of post-graduate students to understand the essence of logic methods of scientific thinking as the issue of post-university education (using an example of concept definition)
The paper reveals the contradictions, which allowed formulation of a research subject. The author substantiates the urgency, necessity and possibility of shaping readiness to understand the essence of logic methods of scientific thinking at post-graduate students in frameworks of post-university education using an example of concept definition. Methodological difficulties experienced by them and the errors committed in scientific reports and researches are described. Stages and steps of shaping the above mentioned readiness of post-graduate students are considered.
S.Sh. Migaleva
Conceptual model of shaping the teaching-business culture at the future expert in educational space of classical university
The paper discloses the conceptual model of shaping the teaching-business culture at students of higher school. The author reveals structural and functional components of the given model. Specific factor of the future expert includes a set of categories of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical sciences, namely: the culture, the person and the activity.
Yu.N. Sinitsyn, N.M.Sazhina
The experimental organization of system of school children health promotion
The paper discusses the experimental organization of school children health promotion and presents a short analysis of its results. The urgency of the conducted research is reflected in “The concept of the key content of the general education”, in the National educational initiative “Our new school” and in the conception “Spiritual and moral development and education of the person of the citizen of Russia” etc.
N.V. Sorokina
The analysis of the dynamics of national stereotypes in intercultural communication on the basis of the case-study method
The paper provides results of the analysis of the dynamics of national auto- and heterostereotypes of the Russian students before and after their short-term trip to Germany made on the basis of a case-study method (using conception of one student). The author examines the basic features of a case-study method and proves their relevance to research of the dynamics of a stereotype.
O.N. Spirina
The basic content of value orientations of the person
The paper discloses the basic content of concept “value orientations of the person” as the higher step of value-semantic hierarchy and the end of formation of the basic system of belief and ideals of the person.
D.E. Sherstnev, E.V. Domaev
Co-ordination of listeners’ activity at scientific organization to increase efficiency of formation at cadets of professional competences of fire safety propagation
The paper describes practical experience of co-ordination of cadets’ scientific activity at different departments of the Siberian Branch of the St.-Petersburg State Fire Service University of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Zheleznogorsk of Krasnoyarsk region providing increasing efficiency of formation of professional competences for fire safety propagation.
Special Methods and Teaching Technologies
O.O. Aivazyan
Typology of errors in Russian coherent written speech of pupils at initial classes
The paper is devoted to the analysis of errors in Russian coherent written speech of pupils at the initial classes revealed as a result of ascertaining experiment. The author clears up the typology of errors (lexical, grammatical, speech, spelling), proves their reasons and makes short recommendations to prevent and eliminate errors in written coherent speech of younger school children.
Z.U. Akhmedyanov
Reflective-assessing self-developing technology as the system approach in self-management of quality of subject training at school
The paper describes the reflective-assessing self-developing technology from a position of the system approach. The author examines one of the key potentialities of technology, namely self-management of quality of subject training.
R.I. Lozovskaya
Technology of spiritual education and development of the music teacher during higher school education
The paper describes the technology of spiritual education and development of the future music teacher in view of specificity of his training. Being humanitarian, it is focused on formation and development in students of musical, pedagogical and spiritual culture, personal senses and values of musical-pedagogical activity. Efficiency of technology application is due to recurrence of construction at the expense of basic steps repeated at each stage: emotional-valuable, cognitive-semantic, communicative-active, designing-reflective and productive.
A.A. Moskvitin
Application of remote educational technology to educational process of higher school
An analysis is made of results of introduction of remote technology in educational process, in particular the information educational environment directed to realization of training activity. Structural components of model of didactic process are examined for a specific case. The author characterizes the remote educational technologies applied by higher school students in the course of studying technical disciplines. The urgency of working out certain methodical approaches to use means of new information technologies for realization of ideas of developing training is proved. The special attention is given to the description of unique possibilities of the remote educational technology. Its use creates preconditions for an intensification of educational process, as well as for creation of the techniques focused on development of the person of the trainee.
M.R. Tuova
System of exercises for the interconnected development of skills of oral Russian and English speech at senior pupils of Adygheyan national school
The paper discusses the construction of system of work on the interconnected training of pupils at senior classes of national (Adygheya) school to Russian and foreign languages.
L.V. Shelekhova
Strategy of training to the solution of mathematical problems
The paper describes the concept of training strategy of the solution of mathematical problems in higher school in view of age features of students.
M.Kh. Shkhapatseva
A complex syntactic whole as a language and speech unit
The paper examines a complex syntactic whole (a microtext) as a linguistic and methodical unit. The structure, semantics and function of microtext are analyzed in linguistic aspect and the complex syntactic whole is considered as a unit of development of coherent Russian speech in the methodical plan.
Modern Problems of Psychology
M.M. Bondarenko
Interrelation of the state of uneasiness and style features of self-control over behaviour of the young men doing their military service
The paper discusses the basic style characteristics of self-control over behavior of the recruits, displayed during the first months of doing their military service. It is established that personal uneasiness is in negative relation with property “Flexibility”, as well as with the regulator process “Modelling”. The lowered ability of planning is directly connected with high situational uneasiness and with the average level of development of abilities of modelling and programming of the actions promoting self-control over behavior.
A.A. Orel
The trend and value-semantic sphere of the person as conditions of his self-realization in the course of professional development
The paper discusses the trend and value-semantic characteristics of subjects of the professional work being at various stages of professional development (skilled professionals and students). The steady interrelation is shown between level of life comprehension and the dominating trend of the person at all stages of professionalizing. It is established that a prevailing kind of a personal orientation at skilled professionals is the trend to a problem which is directly connected with high level of life comprehension. The dynamics of investigated characteristics during the student's period is fixed. It is inferred that psychological conditions of self-realization of the person in development of professional subjectness are the prevailing business trend and high level of life comprehension as a complex of personal characteristics.
N.V. Popova
The motivational-value characteristics of the person in small, middle and large-scale business
In the paper, the motivational-value characteristics of businessmen are compared depending on business scale. It is shown that value orientations do not differ at representatives of small, average and large-scale business, but there are distinctions in motives of enterprise activity and in trend of the person.
E.V. Starkova
Influence of a gender and previous social environment (city/village) on student’s views about the purposes of life
The paper provides the results of research on the influence of a gender and previous social environment (city/village) on student's views about the purposes of life. The analysis of results of research has shown that at the initial training stage in college the factor of the previous social environment proved to be defining. Rural and city youth have more similarities in the purposes of life within their groups rather than in gender. The analysis of features and dynamics of youth’s views about the purposes of life in the course of training in college demonstrates alignment of force of influence for factors of gender and previous social environment.
Z.I. Tsiku
The personal-psychological preconditions of special abilities at the teacher of preschool educational institution of the combined kind
The paper provides the analysis of the empirical data directed to check of a hypothesis about conditionality of special pedagogical abilities of the subject of correctional-developing pedagogical activity by his motivational-value sphere. It is shown that development of special abilities of the teacher of preschool education is not rectilinear process. It is under the influence of sense-life orientations, in particular values of life and professional work, as well as satisfaction of life productivity. The author reveals invariant and specific emotional abilities of teachers of the general and correctional preschool education and shows their detemenistic link with value sphere of the person. “Trajectories” of the psychological influence directed to developments of emotional abilities of the teacher, included in the preschool education of the combined kind, are distinguished.
E.A. Shcherbakova
Personal features of the military high-class pilot
The paper provides the results of research of personal features of contemporary military high-class pilots. It is shown that the pilot-ace is the person possessing the developed self-control focused on accuracy of performance of the social requirements, able to supervise well the emotions and behavior and to finish any business; possessing purposefulness and personal integrity. They prefer the compromise and cooperation in a conflict situation, are not aggressive, but possess an internal source of functional intensity in the form of a difference of “potentials” of indices of aggression and animosity. The established personal features of the military high-class pilot supplement the views which have developed in a domestic psychological science on structure of a personal component of professionally important qualities and can be applicable for designing a psychological model of the person of the pilot-ace.
Educational Space of Physical Training and Sports
I.V. Verzhbitsky
Application of pedagogical modelling to sports sphere
The paper discusses the general analysis of pedagogical modelling as a method of pedagogical researches, some approaches to classification and the basic positions of application of pedagogical modelling to sports.
T.E. Vilenskaya
Organizational-methodical conditions for realization of the continuity principle of the basic components of younger school children physical training
The paper shows the organizational-methodical conditions for realization of the continuity principle of the basic components of younger school children physical training.
M.Ya. Vilensky, O.Yu. Masalova
The culturological bases of the personal-focused physical training at higher school
The paper examines the conditions of cultural identification of the student in educational process of physical training at higher school. Approaches, principles and standards, providing this process, are presented.
Zaul Rami M.A.
Age differentiation of criteria structure for selection of young sportsmen to specialization in minifootball
The paper provides data disclosing innovative structure of criteria for selection of young sportsmen for specialization in minifootball, the efficiency of application of which is experimentally proved at separate stages of many-year training.
I.V. Kulekin
The content and organization of independent performance of physical exercises by cadets-navigators in the conditions of long swimming
The paper is devoted to working out and substantiation of substantial and organizational aspects of independent performance of physical exercises by cadets-navigators in the course of long swimming practice on a vessel.
Yu.M. Skhalyakho
Variants of technique of low-amplitude Judo throws in the conditions of rigid kinematic sequence of the sports duel
The traditional judo throws are not adapted for conditions of a sports duel. They contain the median structure figured on the unprepared opponent. Resistance of the equivalent opponent changes conditions of kinematic sequence and demands updating structure of throws, not changing key parameters concerning a direction of a throw and the basic movement of the case of attacking sportsman.
S.A. Khazova
Criteria for development of competitiveness of the person
The paper provides the results of modeling of system of criteria for development of competitiveness of the person. The author characterizes the criteria for development of structural components and internal criteria for competitiveness; external criteria for competitiveness and consumer properties of experts in physical training and sports as well as shows the interrelation between different groups of criteria.