The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University.<br />
Series «Pedagogy and Psychology» The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University.
Series «Pedagogy and Psychology»
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#2 / 2022


  • Skudnova T.D.
    THE HUMANISTIC COMMANDMENTS OF CARL ROGERS (On the 120th Anniversary of Birth)

    The paper reveals the fundamental ideas of the person-centered theory of Carl Rogers, the relevance of the humanistic commandments of which increases in the conditions of a deep anthropological crisis of the modern world. Based on the theoretical analysis of the creative heritage of the outstanding philosopher, psychologist and teacher, the publication shows the relevance of the person-centered paradigm of psychological and pedagogical activity. The trends and prospects of the anthropo-oriented system of modern education are associated, in the first turn, with the implementation of the fundamental humanistic principles developed within the framework of the person-centered approach, which includes the belief that each person possesses inherent worth, need and aptitude for self-actualizing, self-control and self-development. The presented analysis of articles and books by C. Rogers allows us to conclude that the phenomenological theory of personality developed by him is not only a psychotechnics, but a way of interaction, co-existence, creating facilitating conditions for the self-development of an integral person. It is concluded that the scientific developments of the philosopher, psychologist and teacher C. Rogers went beyond psychotherapy and took shape of a human-centered approach, which was implemented initially in the field of psychological and pedagogical anthropology, and then in the field of social and political psychology. Originated in the field of individual psychotherapy and psychological counseling, the approach evolved into a person-centered education, and then embodied in a human-centered policy.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2022-2-298-73-80

    Release date: 13.07.2022

    pdf 73-80.pdf  (154 Kb)


  • Begidova S.N., Khabakhu Sh.A.

    The problem of school bullying is acute for the public today. Society is worried about the increase in aggressiveness in children and youth. And the most pronounced aggression manifests itself among children in school, which should be a safe environment for students. However, it becomes a place where cases of bullying become almost commonplace. Statistics show that both girls and boys are bullied at any age. Bulling is dangerous because it has far-reaching consequences. Children who have been harassed, physically or mentally abused have serious problems in the aftermath, which can lead to tragic consequences, and unfortunately such facts take place. Today, experts are trying to find ways to solve this problem, to create a safe protecting school environment for children. Solving this problem requires an integrated approach, involving a number of specialists. A special role belongs primarily to the teacher, his abilities to create a favorable, comfortable environment in the classroom, the ability to build relationships with both children and parents. Prevention of school bullying should be recognized by teachers as a target attitude implemented through the strategy of activities of all subjects of the educational process. The implementation of preventive work requires the development of an appropriate technology. The technology for the prevention of bullying in the school environment represents a phased organization of assistance aimed at eliminating barriers to interpersonal communication, developing communication skills, increasing the group cohesion of the school team and reducing the factors for the emergence of the bullying situation. The content of the technology includes individual work with potential victims and shooters. As a result of the pedagogical experiment on the prevention of bullying in the school environment, results were obtained indicating that in the experimental class there was a positive trend towards interpersonal interaction, improving the psychological climate, and the level of aggressiveness decreased. The results obtained make it possible to state that the situation in the classroom should be constantly monitored, and preventive work should become an integral part of the school's activities today.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2022-2-298-13-23

    Release date: 07.07.2022

    pdf 13-23.pdf  (201 Kb)

  • Kuprina N.K., Kuchubin R.O., Afanasyev M.A.

    The paper determines the level of interiorization of values of lifelong learning by older people in the Republic of Adyghea. The need for a lifelong learning system is due to the progress of science and technology, the widespread use of innovative technologies in all areas of activity, and therefore, it is a global trend. Lifelong study and interiorization (understanding, acceptance and realization of the value) of lifelong learning by older persons ensures the adaptation of their own work and activity to the dynamically changing requirements of life in accordance with the needs of the individual and society, using a system of state and public institutions. The socially active part of it, which has sufficient income and free time, has a desire to realize itself in new areas of labor activity and new areas of creative activity. That is, there are new opportunities to increase the social activity of the population, which are poorly used today. Based on the survey conducted, the authors reveal the values of learning, factors characterizing their own attitude to the values of lifelong learning and the attitude of the immediate environment to the system of lifelong learning, to the participation of close people, as well as the intentions and degree of participation of respondents in value appropriation. The paper deals with the issues related to the training of older persons after the completion of their employment in the specialty and the desire to realize themselves in new current and demanded activities, which will allow persons of this category to actively engage in new relationships and effectively use their residual potential for work. Training conditions are defined: training together with young people; independent choice of educational institution and training time; choosing the content of the training in accordance with the requests of the student himself, etc. The grounds for further substantiation of the content of studies throughout the lifelong learning are identified.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2022-2-298-24-29

    Release date: 07.07.2022

    pdf 24-29.pdf  (158 Kb)

  • Trubachev I.V., Demkina E.V., Khazova S.A.

    The paper discloses the theoretically developed and empirically proven methods of optimizing the life of female cadets as a factor in improving the quality of education. The relevance of the problems of the study is determined based on the results of scientific and theoretical analysis and systematization of educational practice data. To solve the problem of optimizing the life of female cadets at the university, the directions of pedagogical activity are determined. Their separation is based on the elements of the life environment traditionally adopted in science, as well as varieties of life activity, the most traditional for students of universities. The result of a theoretical study in the field of the essence and methodology of pedagogical optimization, the provisions of the adaptation theory and the theory of health care of subjects of the educational process, etc., is a developed model that reveals the methodological, meaningful, and technological aspects of the process of pedagogical optimization of the life of female cadets. Organizational pedagogical conditions for optimizing vital activity are determined using a set of methodological principles corresponding to these approaches and setting the value-target orientation of optimizing the vital activity of female cadets, the basis of the content and technological filling of the process of optimizing the vital activity of female cadets. The paper presents the information on experimental testing of the developed model, methods of optimizing the life of female cadets in the areas corresponding to the types of activities: educational, service, economic, leisure, social, independent work; and forms of activity: communicative, spiritual, cognitive, physical and practical. The publication provides the results of the initial and final diagnosis of female cadets according to internal personal criteria (adaptation, health, professional-acmeological orientation, internal integral level of life optimality), indicating the effectiveness of the experimental process.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2022-2-298-30-44

    Release date: 07.07.2022

    pdf 30-44.pdf  (424 Kb)


  • Ptushchenko E.B., Tarasenko V.D., Ivanova N.V., Megrikyan I.G., Saakova K.R.

    The paper deals with the problem of introducing information technologies and digital educational resources as a possible alternative or supplement to classical education. Innovative digital competence is becoming a priority in all areas and directions, including pedagogy. An essential problem for optimizing the functioning of the education system during various unforeseen situations is the innovative learning process. Information and computer technologies are becoming increasingly important for information and communication technologies in the form of the introduction of distance learning methods. The use of these technologies in the education of the Russian society implies the possibility of adapting the system of obtaining knowledge and forming it in a different way than the classical one. Based on the analysis conducted by the Laboratory of Media Communications in Eeducation of the Higher School of Economics, and the results of the introduction of distance learning methods into the educational process, this new type of training was revealed to be acceptable in combination with the classical form of education. In the process of transition from classical to online learning format, many teachers and students face a variety of technical problems. The advantages and disadvantages of learning with the help of information technologies and digital educational resources are identified. The results of an empirical study, in which the hypothesis of the lack of self-discipline in the process of distance learning was tested, are presented. The key feature of electronic information resources is shown. The conclusion is made about the importance of the classical method of obtaining knowledge and the disadvantage of the distance learning method.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2022-2-298-45-53

    Release date: 07.07.2022

    pdf 45-53.pdf  (162 Kb)


  • Begidova S.N., Begidov V.S.

    The problem of professional burnout occupies now a significant place in the system of professional destruction of teachers. Emotional tension, high responsibility, work in situations of constant uncertainty, etc., lead to a deterioration in physical and mental health. There are various approaches to solving the problem of professional burnout among teachers, but they do not always turn to the potential of physical culture, but this is where they can find the most effective solution to this problem. Motor activity makes it possible to relieve emotional stress, restore physical and intellectual conditions, improving mood, increasinge activity and well-being. Motor exercises should be selected taking into account age, physical fitness, as well as personal preferences of teachers. The introduction of teachers to regular physical exercises allows them to replenish their motor deficit, increase performance, reduce stress levels, and maintain the health of the teacher. To solve this problem, complexes of physical exercises were developed that did not require special physical training and were aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back, press, arms, legs, relieving tension from the cervical and thoracic spine, stretching and coordinating. During the experiment, teachers performed the exercises at a convenient time, mainly at home. They kept a diary of self-assessment of their well-being, mood, performance, as well as the regularity of performing exercise complexes. The experimental work made it possible to conclude that for this target group of teachers it is the short-time complexes of physical exercises, as well as the free mode of their performance, that are the most effective form of introduction to motor activity. Initially irregular classes went to regular for many teachers, which made it possible to learn how to effectively and rationally organize their leisure activities, increase performance, and reduce stress levels, and signs of professional burnout, which is especially important for each teacher.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2022-2-298-54-62

    Release date: 07.07.2022

    pdf 54-62.pdf  (178 Kb)

  • Dzhabatyrova B.K., Begidova S.N.

    In modern conditions of the development of society, caring for the elderly citizens of the country is one of the important social problems. It is precisely ensuring their comfortable life, inclusion in various types of socially useful activities, maintaining their health and vital activity that is the guarantor of the country's social stability. Life, professional and social experience is valuable wealth that should be passed on to future generations. The social demand of older people in the education and formation of the younger generation is invaluable and allows us to carry out continuity between generations, preserve moral traditions, culture and spiritual values of society. But, in order for older citizens to perform these functions, they must be viable, physically and socially healthy and prosperous. Unfortunately, older people often, for various reasons, find themselves removed from social life, experience feelings of unnecessariness, loneliness, a lack of communication, attention from both relatives and friends, and society as a whole. Therefore, it is very important to fill these gaps, create conditions for social communication, and increase the standard of living of the elderly. One such means is adaptive physical education. The involvement of medical professionals in the organization of adaptive physical culture classes increases the sense of safety, reliability and security in the elderly, which, in turn, contributes to the regularity of visits to classes. New acquaintances, common interests expand the range of their social contacts, fill the shortage of communication. The conducted pedagogical experiment confirmed the effectiveness of this approach. The elderly included in adaptive physical education activities note an increase in activity, mood, desire for intensive activity, a decrease in dissatisfaction with life circumstances, an increase in social ties, opportunities for communication and joint pastime, as well as an improvement in physical and mental well-being. Thus, the organization of group classes with adaptive physical culture allows older people to expand social ties, create conditions for social communication, increases personal and social activity.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2022-2-298-63-72

    Release date: 07.07.2022

    pdf 63-72.pdf  (175 Kb)